Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why Mother's Day Isn't Always "Happy"

The annual day of celebrating Mothers has always been an occasion for happiness in our home. Growing up, my dad would encourage us to show off our artistic ability with homemade cards and breakfast in bed.  We enjoyed lavishing our love on her on that special day. 

Since becoming a mother myself, I have enjoyed the days of handwritten cards, hugs, smiles and the occasional spa day that were bestowed upon me.  

I knew that today would not be the typical Mother's Day.  I knew that the affection my boys feel for me are not the same as those of "K".  I knew that today her heart would be divided by the longing she has for what used to be and the struggle to accept what she has now. 

Watching the inner struggle of a broken hearted nine year old today made me realize that Mother's Day, isn't always "Happy" for every woman and child.  Forgive me for just noticing this fact, but I've lived in a sheltered world most of life.  Today, I began to think of the other boys and girls who are longing for what they no longer have or for what they never knew.  I began to realize that there are mommas our there whose hearts are breaking today for what they have lost or willingly given up, no matter what the reason for their choice.  I realized that there are many women who would give anything to know what it is like to be a momma, through childbirth or adoption. Many are grieving the mommas who have already passed.  Their pain is real and the heartache is something that can only be healed by the love of Jesus. 

While today has been a day of more tears than smiles, more heartache than happiness, I am thankful that God choose me to be the Momma to three amazing kiddos.  My prayer is that someday they will look  past my faults and failures and see the heart of mother who loves them unconditionally.

As you celebrate your own mothers today, take a moment and say a prayer for those whose mother day is less than Happy. 

1 comment:

  1. So well written! Sending prayers to your family as all of you continue to adjust.
